Tuesday, July 16, 2013

38 Weeks: It's Time

38 Weeks:

It's Time:
Well, the time has come to hold our sweet boy in person. We already know all there is to know about him. We and many others have bonded with him more than I thought possible with a baby through the womb. His heart and soul are so deeply part of me and who I am. Who I will always be. I am his Mother. I have been for nine months and will be for the rest of forever. God gave me Jack as my birthday surprise and I will forever realize how special and amazing he is. Four months ago they said he wouldn't make it full term. They said he wasn't worth it. That is not for anyone else to decide except God and God has only begun to do Miraculous things thru his creation, Jack Andrew. 

The anxiety levels are sky high. All of Jack's grandparents, aunts, and uncles have arranged their arrival. Plans are in place for big brother and big sister. My hospital bag has been packed for months. Laundry is caught up. We are "ready". Ready to go to the hospital that is. What happens after that, Lord only knows. 

The Nitty Gritty: We go in tomorrow morning (Wednesday) to start induction. Prayers that my body will accept the early induction. My other two were born at 41 weeks and Jack is just past 38. My body isn't ready, but he is my third in just over three years so Im hopeful. I've also never had medical induction so that's new. My hospital does the process a bit slower and differently than a normal H so there's some learning there too - they won't want to do too much at once because of Jack's heart - so it may take a couple of days. CSection is still a possibility if issues arise. We are inducing because Jack's growth has stopped and my fluid is even lower - both signs that decline is happening. It's time. I feel peaceful about that. I can not speak to what happens after we show up, but I know The Lord and so many people are with us in this journey. I appreciate everything from everyone more than you'll ever know. 


  1. We will be holding your family in prayer and anxiously awaiting seeing you be able to hold your precious baby Jack. Love you guys.

  2. Natalia was a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks not knowing she was arriving with full t13. Surprised with her cleft lip palate and extra digits they took her to NICU where she did have the full appropriate testing post birth. Have you seen this page? This was created for the lwt13 community by Natalia's first Pediatrician - hope it helps. You ad your family will be in our prayers. http://www.trisomy13archive.com/documents/drtesting.pdf

  3. Lifting up you, your family and baby Jack up in prayer. Praying for God's strength for you and Patrick, and also for all the grandparents and the rest of your sweet family.

    In His love,

  4. Praying for you, Rachel, and Patrick and sweet baby Jack.


  5. I understand your language Rachel and my heart weeps with you. Jack is so important and you have given so much to him, but I know he has given you more. It will be an honor to deliver such an amazing child! My prayer is for a complete miracle, which we know God can do. If Jack goes straight into HIS arms, that is a miracle too. He and you are both incredible.

    If you have a chance to get into a warm bath after they induce, it really helped me to go into heavier contractions with our baby Truman.

    Sending love and an abundance of thoughts and love your way.

    Rachel Andrisevic
